The community of Watershed Books and LakeWorks at 305 N. Main St. in Lakeport invites everyone to celebrate the lift off of local musician Dennis Purcell’s latest album “Foggy Dew” during February’s 1st Friday. This month sing along and tap your foot to Dennis’ guitar and voice, enjoy refreshments and good conversation. Watershed Books and LakeWorks along with the Main Street Gallery are open late [from 5:00 until 7:00pm] on the first Friday of every month to celebrate local artists, authors, crafters, and community.
Category: News and Events (Page 1 of 7)
Upcoming events, news, and more.
Lakeport, CA…Lake Works and Thrive Lake County are looking for Lake County Makers of Crafts and Useful Product to submit an application for their creations to be sold at a “Lake Made” retail shop opening in Lakeport this fall.
“We’re looking for quality products of interest to both Lake County residents and visitors alike.” says Cheri Holden, creator of LakeWorks. “There are many fine crafters, artists, and home product makers in our county who could benefit from exposure in our retail space. Makers will be paid a commission on sales. This commission goes up in their favor the more help they provide in supporting the retail space. We’re especially looking right now for an entrepreneur/maker willing to share the risk by performing the Shop Manager role in our project.
Carol Cole-Lewis, Thrive Lake County coordinator explained Thrive Lake County’s role in this project. “We’re coordinating what may be a five-county effort to create a “North Bay Made” brand. This would give even more exposure to a broader market for Lake County crafters to sell their wares. The “Lake Made” retail space in Lakeport is the first step in the process.
Cole-Lewis continued, “The space will be somewhat modeled on the Share Exchange Buy Local retail space in Santa Rosa, CA. The Share Exchange has generously offered documentation and planning which will shorten our time for creating the Lake Made retail space dramatically.”
Makers interested in having their products evaluated are asked to email their contact information, a picture of their wares and a product description to Holden at
Both LakeWorks and Thrive Lake County are located at 307 N. Main Street in Lakeport next to Watershed Books. The Thrive Lake County office is open M-F from 10am to 1pm. Thrive Lake County can be found on the internet at .
Watershed Books will celebrate the local author, Shay R. Jensen’s first book, “Raising Kick-ass Girls, A Father’s Journey” on Friday, June 7th from 3 – 5pm. “…mainly a manual written from a father’s perspective. As a guidebook, it covers 19 areas from infancy through the teen years.
A fine way to begin celebrating Father’s Day, join us for good conversation and refreshments. 305 N.Main St., Lakeport, CA, and feel free to call 707.263.5787 for more information.
Late Notice…many apologies…
Watershed Books will celebrate the publication of local author, Steve Davis’ book OFFICER DOWN on Friday, May 24th from 3pm until 5pm….Join us for delicious refreshments and wonderful conversation. COME MEET OUR LOCAL AUTHOR!! 707.263.5787.
Watershed Book folks are so pleased to celebrate local author, Joseph Herren’s book
Joe will discuss those things that made him decide to tell his story, talk about his publishing process and read from his story. Good conversations and good refreshments. Feel free to contact Cheri at Watershed Books for more information…707.263.5787, We are located at 305 North Main Street, Lakeport, CA 95453
Please join us at Watershed Books, 305 N. Main St., Lakeport, CA, as we celebrate the publication of Nature’s Patchwork Quilt; Understanding Habitats. Beautifully written by Mary Miche’ and wonderfully illustrated by Consie Powell, this book’s goal is to create an opportunity for children to be at home with nature and to fall in love with her. How better to celebrate that feeling of “homeness” than through the art of the quilt. Author Mary will discuss her discuss her creative process and read “especially for kids” Refreshments will be served too. Feel free to call Cheri at 707.263.5787 for more information.
307 N. Main St in Lakeport CA [next door to Watershed Books] now offers short-term or part time retail and office spaces for rent. Areas are approximately 200 to 250 square feet with fax, copier, signage, furnishings, displays, storage, and kitchenette included. It is a beautifully renovated space in downtown Lakeport. During the holiday season retail spaces are available 6 weeks for the price of 4 weeks. Please feel free to inquire and visit the space…Cheri at Watershed Books, 305 N. Main St., Lakeport, CA 95453; 707.263.5787;
Steve Bartholomew will join Watershed Books as we celebrate the publication of his latest novel,
THE WOODCUTTER (A TALE OF WOVOKA). We will excerpts from his novel, share in discussion of the creative writing and publishing process and enjoy refreshments. All Bartholomew’s novels will be available for signing and purchase. Feel free to call 707.263.5787 for more information. Watershed Books is located at 305 N. Main St. in Lakeport, CA.
Watershed Books is pleased to announce; Two Local Authors. on Friday, June 1, 2010 from 3:00pm until 5:00pm
Myra Sherman is the author of Jailed. Jailed has been described as “…a collection of interwoven stories the illuminates the universal hunger of the human heart to be set free.” Myra received a Master’s in Social Welfare from the University of California, Berkeley and is a licensed clinical social worker in California. Her fiction and essays have appeared in numerous literary journals.
Leslie Levitas is a contributor to Razor Wire Women “…offering nuanced portraits of women’s lives inside razor wire and prison walls, Razor Wire Women puts incarcerated women in dialogue with scholars, artists, educators, and activists who live outside of prisons but work on issues connected to the prison industrial complex. Leslie Levitas, MA is a writer and photographer. Her oral history project entitled “Tell Me About Your Life” depicts women who have been impacted by incarceration and street life…”
Please join us for an interesting and important discussion. Additionally, on that same Friday, June 1st, Watershed Books will be accepting donations of good clothing and new hygiene products for women coming out of the prison system.
Refreshments, as usual… For more information, please feel free to call Cheri at Watershed Books…707.263.5787.
Watershed Books is celebrating the holiday season. a season of shared hope and good wishes.
On Saturday, November 26th, lots of good things happening on Main Street in Lakeport California.
Watershed Books is celebrating
first …the publication of Steve Bartholemew’s latest novella, “Ariella”.
and the release party for Lindy Day’s new cd “Cordoba”.
We’ll have refreshments too.
Finally, Saturday is a no tax day at Watershed Books
… plus other special sales.
JOIN US…and Thank You for a wonderful year.